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Refreshed My Broken Nexus 5

Nexus 5 Cracked Screen

So I crazy enough to play a rough sport while sporting my Nexus 5 smartphone in my pocket and lo-and-behold… you can guess what happened. The entire front glass panel has cracked in every corner you can see and man, my heart was shattered!

Since there was only two days before I was going to China for the holiday season, I figured there would have been no time to fix it. I even had everything set up including all the VPN settings for when I wanted to access Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc. while in China! I was pretty annoyed that I had to set up everything again on the HTC One.

Nevertheless, it is now fixed by someone in China and costed me a total of $113 NZD. I was a bit skeptical about getting it fixed in China as I don’t like getting expensive tech things fixed in China. When I went to retrieve my fixed phone the next day, there was a heap of backlight bleeding and at first the guy said he couldn’t see anything but after a stern talk with him, I left it with him for another night to fix. Turns out he had to replace the sides of the phone as well, which he didn’t do in the first place.

Nexus 5 Backlight Bleeding

I’m still not sure if the glass screen itself is official and still has Corning Gorilla Glass 3, but the repair guy said it was. I’m still not sure if it is though… Nevertheless the Nexus 5 is now fixed!

Nexus 5 Fixed Screen
