Email Subscriptions Updated…
We have decided to simplify things a bit and now we will no longer be offering an Email Subscription service on Google’s Feedburner service. The feed link will continue to be up for all our readers using other RSS reader clients, so don’t worry about that being shut down. Instead, all RSS Email Subscribers to NZ TechBlog, will automatically be transferred to a newer, more modern version of the RSS Email Subscription service over on MailChimp.
We have not been keeping up with our Email Newsletter subscribers lately, so this ought to change everything about that. Previous Email Subscribers on the Google Feedburner service now transferred over to our new MailChimp email subscription service will continue to receive daily updates, which includes our News, Reviews, Videos and general tech articles sections, whenever we have new items posted on our site. We have decided that the daily email updates newsletter will be called ‘NZ TechMail’. This means that email subscriptions will now be more streamlined than ever before!
We apologise for any inconvenience caused to our email subscription readers who have been shifted to our new email subscription service over on MailChimp! We hope you find the newer email service more streamlined, and if you haven’t yet already subscribed to our email newsletter (which will update you with whatever posts come up on our blog), please do so NOW by entering your email address down below in the signup form!