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We Got A Short Domain Name!



As per the title, we have just got ourselves a new short domain name (and a new worded-logo on our front page!) that we will be using for URL forwarding! You may have noticed that we have been using a custom short domain name for the past week now on my Twitter account. Our short-domain name is now: http://nztech.co!

Also, if you just type in our short domain name, it will also redirect to our site here! You can try it if you wish! Please also note that the characters after the ‘nztech.co/’ are case-sensitive.

Here are some “uses” for our custom short-domain name:

To shop for items directly on Amazon – http://nztech.co/shopamazonnz

To get extra free storage on Copy – http://nztech.co/CopyNZ

To view/shop our Amazon Kindle range – http://nztech.co/kindlenz

Matthew’s Twitter handler – http://nztech.co/matthewc1465

NZ TechBlog’s Twitter handler – http://nztech.co/nztch1

NZ TechBlog’s Facebook page – http://nztech.co/fbpagenz

Upgrade your MEGA plan by using BitCoins! – http://nztech.co/bitcoinmega

or if you want to pay normally – http://nztech.co/nzMEGA
